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Showing 271 news items about Arts, culture and sport

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  1. Scotland’s music on tour

    Scottish Government launch touring fund for live music.

  2. New Scots Makar

    Scotland’s national poet appointed.

  3. Edinburgh Festivals return

    World leading festivals begin bounce back from impact of COVID-19.

  4. Beachdan air an sireadh mu Phlana Ghàidhlig

    A’ toirt taic don chànan san àm ri teachd

  5. Finding the future of tourism and hospitality

    New recruitment drive for tourism and hospitality sectors.

  6. Supporting Edinburgh’s festivals

    COVID-19 funding to aid cultural recovery.

  7. Glasgow Fan Zone

    Test kits to be mailed to fans.

  8. Promoting tourism

    New £3 million fund to help industry rebuild.  

  9. £25 million for tourism recovery

    Supporting the sector to rebuild.

  10. Scotland's Creative Digital Initiative

    Supporting digital innovation within cultural businesses.

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