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Showing 611 news items about Business, industry and innovation

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  1. Hyundai partnership signals ‘vote of confidence’ in Scotland

    Memorandum of understanding to unlock offshore wind expertise.

  2. Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land

    Legal duty to submit entries before 1 April 2024.

  3. Rural and island community support

    Spring Budget needs to invest in environment and food production.

  4. Threat to food and drink sector

    Labour shortages causing damage to businesses.

  5. Growing Scotland’s green economy

    Seizing the business opportunities of net zero.

  6. Non-domestic rates relief statistics

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. £14 million for marine and fishing businesses

    Grants awarded from Marine Fund Scotland.

  8. Innovation at the heart of the Scottish economy

    Funding of up to £8m per annum to support innovation centres.

  9. No ‘real evidence’ for labelling burden on Scottish businesses

    Rural Affairs Secretary does not support ‘Not for EU’ food labelling proposals.

  10. Supporting local food and drink businesses

    £100,000 funding to promote regional products.

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