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Showing 430 news items about Children and families

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  1. Help for families during holidays

    ‘Extra Time’ partnership providing vital support.

  2. Move to Child Disability Payment complete for all kids

    Human rights centred benefits approach for disabled children in Scotland

  3. National Chef backs food payment push

    Champion cook Gary promotes vital Best Start support 

  4. Additional funding for early learning and childcare staff

    Investing in Scotland’s childcare workforce.

  5. Baby box delivers savings for families

    Continued cost of living support for parents.

  6. Preventing childhood obesity

    Funding to help families.

  7. Keeping 100,000 children out of poverty

    Modelling shows vital impact of Scottish Government policies.

  8. First Minister urges for more help for families in the Spring Budget.

    Chancellor challenged to match Scotland’s action to tackle child poverty.

  9. Families of more than 327,000 young people helped by Scottish Child Payment

    Fourth rise in uptake since support was increased to under-16s 

  10. 20,000 can get Best Start Foods for the first time

    Rule changes extend eligibility for help with food shopping

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