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Showing 170 news items about Energy

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  1. Building a green heat industry

    £17.6 million to support climate-friendly heating transformation.

  2. Accelerating green heat delivery

    Next steps taken to help transformation.

  3. Tackling the energy cost crisis

    First Minister convenes second summit with energy companies and advice organisations.

  4. Supporting a green energy revolution

    Just Transition Fund awards announced.

  5. Accessing help for cost of living

    New website provides ‘one stop shop’ for advice and information.

  6. Rent freeze focus of Programme for Government

    Ministers act to protect people in cost crisis.

  7. Cost Crisis Programme for Government

    Scottish Child Payment increased from 14 November.

  8. Additional funding for energy advice in face of rising bills

    £1.2 million to ensure households and businesses get support.

  9. FM hosts energy summit

    Further action agreed as consensus reached.

  10. Summit with energy suppliers and consumers

    First Minister to convene roundtable on the growing cost emergency.

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