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Showing 725 news items about Equality and rights

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  1. Independent Living Fund reopens for new applicants

    Budget provides continued investment in social care.

  2. Winter Heating Payments begin

    Social security support to help eligible people with heating costs

  3. Asylum seekers’ right to work

    Changes could add £30 million to Scotland’s economy annually.

  4. People urged to use unspent Best Start Foods balances

    Christmas letter will remind families to use money on card   

  5. Minimum Income Guarantee in an independent Scotland

    Enabling people to thrive and live with dignity.

  6. Advancing children’s rights in law

    Amended UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Bill passed.

  7. Social Security in an independent Scotland

    Plans to deliver a fairer system with more positive outcomes.

  8. Scottish Child Payment helping families of more than 323,000 children

    Total spending on five family payments passes £596 million 

  9. New benefit for unpaid carers launches

    Carer Support Payment pilot opens for new applications

  10. Non-Binary Equality Action Plan

    First plan in the UK to improve the lives of non-binary people.

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