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Showing 483 news items about International

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  1. £500,000 for East Africa

    Funding to alleviate the food crisis.

  2. Scottish Parliament refuses consent for Retained EU Law Bill

    Constitution Secretary said Bill threatens vital laws.

  3. Humanitarian funding support for Ukraine

    Money to be split between three partner organisations.

  4. Scotland’s international reputation grows

    Natural Beauty, Tourism and Governance score highly in new survey.

  5. £500,000 emergency funding for Türkiye and Syria.

    Funding to support humanitarian aid efforts.

  6. EU replacement funding 60% shortfall

    Minister says Shared Prosperity Fund ‘fails communities’.

  7. Strengthening Scotland’s place in the world

    International offices to help deliver on priorities at home.

  8. Deaths abroad

    Support for families and loved ones.

  9. Attracting Investment for a net zero future

    Developing policy with green investors in mind.

  10. Norway-UK negotiations conclude

    Increased monkfish quota important for Scotland’s fishers

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