70 Years of St Andrew's House

St Andrew's House, headquarters of the Scottish Government, celebrated its 70th birthday on September 4, 2009.


St Andrew's House is very much a working building, despite its category-A listing and now having reached its three score years and ten.

As the key Scottish Government building, it is where critical decisions are taken to help us build a better Scotland.

Alongside core business areas looking after health and justice policy, it houses offices of the First Minister, Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretaries and the civil servants in key corporate functions who support them. It is instantly in the news spotlight when international media stories break.

Policy work now is infinitely more complex than it was 70 years ago. Information is processed in milliseconds by computers rather than carbon copied in the typing pool and disappearing into dusty files. The workforce is far more diverse now but staff remain at the heart of the operation (see: Inside Stories).

A major refurbishment in 2002 ensures this hub of government bearing the name and standard of the patron saint will continue to serve Scotland well in the years ahead.

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