ADES Report On Headteacher Recruitment

Report on research findings and the current challenges to Headteacher recruitment.

6 Conclusions

6.1 Action is Required Now

The reducing number of applicants for headteacher posts, considered alongside the age profile of the current post holders, means that it is essential that work is carried out now to address the issues outlined in this report. If our national ambitions for education are to be realised then leadership of the highest quality is required for our schools.

6.2 The Potential Leaders Exist

There is no shortage of talent or ability amongst the teaching force in Scotland but there is a pressing need to identify, encourage, develop and support those who are interested in taking on the senior leadership role of headteacher.

6.3 Lack of Coherence Results in Potential Leaders being missed

Many of the actions recommended in this report exist already or partially in some parts of the country but lack of coherence and consistency in terms of opportunity to progress means that many potential leaders are missed or overlooked.


Email: Christine Willson,

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