British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan consultation

Consultation seeking views on improving public services for BSL users.

Post-School Education

Our first goal for post-school education

BSL users will be able to maximise their potential at school, will be supported to transition to post-school education if they wish to do so and will receive the support they need to do well in their chosen subject(s).

By 2023 Scottish Ministers will take these steps:

23. Make sure that students whose first or preferred language is BSL have a much more positive experience when they make the transition to post-school education. We will make sure that schools, colleges, universities and employers are aware of their responsibilities. We will work together to improve the information given to BSL users.

24. The Scottish Funding Council ( SFC) will establish a steering group to help colleges and universities develop their own BSL plans.


Email: Hilary Third

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