Caledonian System Evaluation: Analysis of a programme for tackling domestic abuse in Scotland

Evaluation of the Caledonian System: a programme to tackle domestic abuse in Scotland.

Appendix C: Additional tables and figures

Table C.1: Number of men recorded in monitoring data as starting the Men's Programme, mid-September 2010 to April 2016, by hub

Hub Number of men in monitoring data as starting men's programme
Lothian and Borders 282
Dumfries and Galloway 83
Forth Valley 170
Aberdeen 241
Ayrshire 165
Total 941

Table C.2: Number of men recorded in monitoring data as starting and completing various stages of Men's Programme - restricted to actual/potential completions as of April 2016

Stage TOTAL Lothian and Borders Dumfries and Galloway Forth Valley Aberdeen Ayrshire
All potential completers 1 583 157 40 117 153 116
Completed Pre-group and started Group stage Number 479 126 36 96 136 85
% 82% 80% 90% 82% 89% 73%
Completed Group stage and started Maintenance stage Number 280 87 28 55 66 44
% 48% 55% 70% 47% 43% 38%
Did not complete the full programme 2 Number 324 58 11 77 91 87
% 56% 37% 28% 66% 59% 75%
Outcome unclear from monitoring data 3 Number 72 27 7 12 16 10
% 12% 17% 18% 10% 10% 9%
Completed the programme successfully 4 Number 187 72 22 28 46 19
% of all potential completers 32% 46% 55% 24% 30% 16%
% of those with a clear recorded outcome 5 37% 55% 67% 27% 34% 18%

Notes to table:
1 All those with a date of order up to the end March 2014 (i.e. 2 years before the monitoring data was submitted for the evaluation) OR whose date of order is missing, but whose case is no longer open as they have left the programme. Anyone whose order was within the last 2 years could still be on the programme, and could not yet have completed successfully.
2 All those that are recorded as 'closed' and were NOT recorded as 'completed successfully' at Maintenance stage, plus any recorded as 'breached' or 'revoked' at Maintenance stage.
3 Any cases where order was over 2 years ago, but not recorded as 'completed successfully' and not closed.
4 All those with whose Maintenance stage outcome is recorded as 'completed successfully'.
5 All those recorded as completed successfully, divided by those completed successfully + those recorded as 'breached' or 'revoked' + those recorded as 'closed' and NOT completed successfully (i.e. excluding those whose outcome was unclear).

Table C.3: Age profile of all men starting Men's Programme

Age % of total
16 to 18 1%
19 to 24 17%
25 to 34 44%
35 to 44 23%
45 to 54 12%
55+ 3%
Base: all with date of birth data available 939

Table C.4: Ethnicity of all men starting Men's Programme

Ethnicity % of total
White 98%
African, Caribbean or Black 0.5%
Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British 0.4%
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 0.3%
Other 1%
Base: all with ethnicity data available 778

Figure C.1: SARA 3 (Risk to others) at assessment and maintenance

Figure C.1: SARA 3 (Risk to others) at assessment and maintenance

Base: All with a SARA 3 score at assessment and maintenance stages (195)

Table C.5: Psychometric test scores at Pre-group and Maintenance stages

Baseline range in the data Pre Group Mean Score Maintenance Mean Score Change Base
Propensity for Abusiveness Scale
( PAS)
41-170 56.4 47.2 -9.2
Levenson Locus of Control
( LOC)
LOC 1 - Internality 0-48 30.8 30.5 -0.3
LOC 2 - Powerful others 0-48 18.4 15.3 -3.1
LOC 3 - Chance 0-48 21.4 18.0 -3.4
Balanced Inventory of Desired Responding ( BIDR)
BIDR A - Self deception 1-100 52.2 55.1 +2.9
BIDR B - Impression management 1-100 50.4 50.5 +0.1

Table C.6: Alcohol and drug problems at Pre-group and Maintenance stages stage

Pre-group Maintenance
Alcohol problem
Yes 81% [27] 43%
No 19% 56%
Base: all those for whom data is available at Pre-group and Maintenance 174
Drugs problem
Yes 57% 23%
No 43% 77%
Base: all those for whom data is available at Pre-group and Maintenance 175

This version ISBN 00123456789XX is current as at 01-03-2015


Date Changes
First Published 1.0 01/01/2012 Update 1.0
Revision 1.1 15/08/2012 Update 1.1
Revision 1.2 01/12/2012 Update 1.2
Revision 2.0 18/05/2013 Update 1.3
2 nd Edition 2.0 03/03/2015 Update 2.0


Update 1.0 01/01/2012 First Published 1.0
Update 1.1 15/08/2012 Revision 1.1
Update 1.2 01/12/2012 Revision 1.2
Update 1.3 18/05/2013 Revision 1.3
Update 2.0 03/03/2015 2 nd Edition 2.0

Revisions Detail:

Appendix 1.0
First Published 01/01/2012

Update 1.1
Revision 1.1 15/08/2012
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut

Update 1.2
Revision 1.2 01/12/2012
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut

Update 2.0
A new edition was published on 03/03/2015 ISBN 00123456789XX

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

☐ cannot be made available by Scottish Government for further analysis as Scottish Government is not the data controller.


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