Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014: National Guidance on Part 12: Services in relation to Children at Risk of Becoming Looked After, etc

Guidance which applies to those persons considered to be at risk of becoming looked after and the provision of relevant services.


1 Christie Commission (2011) Report on the Future Delivery of Public Services by the commission chaired by Dr Campbell Christie, Public Services Commission (pg. 27).

2 Felitti VJ, Anda RF, Nordenberg D, Williamson DF, Spitz AM, Edwards V, Koss MP, Marks JS. (1998) Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: the adverse childhood experiences ( ACE) study. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 14(4): 245-258.

3 Bradshaw, P., Wasoff, F. & Jamieson, L (2008) Growing Up in Scotland: Use of Informal Support by Families with Young Children , Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

4 Scottish Government (March 2016) Children's Social Work Statistics 2014-15, Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

5 CELCIS (2014) Overseen but often overlooked: children and young people looked after at home in Scotland: Report 1 - a review of the literature, Glasgow: CELCIS.

6 Scottish Government (March 2015) Children's Social Work Statistics 2013-14, Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

7 SCRA (2015) Children and Young People Statistical analysis 2014-2015, Stirling: SCRA

8 SCRA (2015) Children and Young People Statistical analysis 2014-2015, Stirling: SCRA (pg.4)

9 Scottish Government (March 2016) Children's Social Work Statistics 2014-15 , Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

10 Henderson, G & Hanson, L (2015) SCRA Research report: Child Protection Orders , Stirling: SCRA.

11 Bunn, A (2013) Signs of safety in England: An NSPCC commissioned report on the Signs of Safety model in child protection , London: NSPCC.

12 Scottish Family Group Conferencing Steering Group (2015) Family Group Conferencing: Scotland's National Standards, Supported by Action for Children, Children 1 st, Edinburgh City Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Kalm Solutions, FGC European Network.

13 Frost, N, Abram, F, & Burgess, H (2014) Family Group Conferences: Evidence, outcomes and future research, Child & Family Social Work 19:501-507.

14 Ward, H, Brown, R & Hyde-Dryden, G (2014) Assessing parental capacity to change when children are on the edge of care: an overview of current research , London: Department for Education (pg. 12).

15 Ibid. Pg. 506.

16 Scottish Government (2012) National Parenting Strategy , Edinburgh: Scottish Government (pg.14).

17 Scottish Government (2012) National Parenting Strategy , Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

18 Ward, H, Brown, R & Hyde-Dryden, G (2014) Assessing parental capacity to change when children are on the edge of care: an overview of current research , London: Department for Education (pg. 14).

19 Scottish Government (March 2016) Children's Social Work Statistics 2014-15, Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

20 Ibid. Pg. 13.

21 For examples of evidence-based interventions, see

22 Henderson, G & Hanson, L (2015) SCRA Research report: Child Protection Orders , Stirling: SCRA.

23 Ibid. Pg. 87.

24 Scottish Government (2011) A Pathway to Care for Vulnerable Families (0-3) Guidance, Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

25 Ibid. Pg. 34.

26 Ormiston, R, McConville, S & Gordon, J (2014) Evaluation of the Family Nurse Partnership programme in NHS Lothian, Scotland: Summary of key learning and implications, Edinburgh: Scottish Government Social Research.

27 Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities (2015) Supported parenting: Refreshed Scottish Good Practice Guidelines for Supporting parents with a Learning Disability, Glasgow: SCLD

28 Tarleton, B, Ward, L. and Howard, J. 2006. Finding the Right Support: A review of issues and positive practice in supporting parents with learning difficulties and their children, Bristol: University of Bristol.

29 Selwyn, J, Farmer, E, Meakings, S & Vaisey, P (2013) The Poor relations? Children and informal kinship carers speak out: A research report, Bristol: University of Bristol.

30 Bell, M & Wilson, K (2016) Children's views of family group conferences, British Journal of Social Work 37: 671-68. Pg.679.

31 Ibid.


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