Commissioner for Fair Access discussion paper: retention, outcomes and destinations

This paper considers trends in retention, outcomes and destinations for full-time first degree students from deprived backgrounds.


1. The Commission's interim targets for universities were for Scottish domiciled entrants to full-time first degree courses which it described as the "core provision of HE".

2. The Commission defined entrants from deprived backgrounds as entrants from the bottom 20% of areas according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ( i.e. ' SIMD20' or ' SIMD Q1' areas) but also recommended that a robust set of measures should be developed to supplement SIMD.

3. 14% from SIMD20 areas in 2015/16 ( Report on Widening Access 2015/16, Scottish Funding Council)

4. Institutions are grouped as follows: Ancient: Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews. Old: Universities of Dundee, Heriot-Watt , Stirling, Strathclyde. Post-92: Universities of Abertay, Queen Margaret, Glasgow Caledonian, Edinburgh Napier , West of Scotland, Robert Gordon, Highlands and Islands. Specialised: SRUC, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow School of Art.

5. An entrant's first year at university is not necessarily the first year of the course e.g. students who articulated into the second year of a university course from college would be counted as entrants by their university and would be counted as being retained if they progressed to the following year.

6. As defined by the Standard Occupation Classification 2010 ( SOC 2010) produced by the Office for National Statistics:


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