Education (Scotland) Act 1980 Section 70 guidance document: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis report following the public consultation on guidance for users of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980.


Question 10: Is this guidance helpful?

Answer No. of respondents % of all respondents
Yes 8 57
No 2 14
Don't Know - -
Not Answered 4 29
Total 14

31. The large majority of those who responded indicated that the guidance was helpful. Respondents indicated that the guidance was clear and concise and provides information about how to access the system and how long the process will take. It was also noted that it helpfully sets out what evidence would be required.

32. A Comment was made about the appropriateness of the guidance for parents and carers and children and young people. As noted above, steps have been taken within the guidance and elsewhere to address this. One comment asked for links to websites to be provided. As noted above, readers are signposted to Enquire and Let's Talk ASN which is the most appropriate route for them to access further information.

Question 11: Are there any other comments you would wish to make about the draft guidance?

33. Most of the comments made here reiterate comments that have been made about earlier sections.

34. One comment asked for clarity on how users will be made aware of the section 70 process. It is felt that through this guidance and resources produced by Enquire, those who wish to make a complaint under section 70 will have access to appropriate information.

35. A further comment asked that the Scottish Government collate information gathered as part of the section 70 process and report it to the Education and Skills Committee. However, due to the small number of complaints received, this would prove difficult and would lead to the identification of individuals. In addition, it is not the role of the Committee to oversee the section 70 process.

36. A further comment highlighted looked after children within the section 70 process and asked that the guidance to draw attention to the rights of looked after children. It also asked for research to be carried out into why looked after children are under-represented within the complaints and tribunal process. This is out of the scope of this guidance. However, the Scottish Government will continue to work to improve outcomes for all children, including those who are looked after.


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