Consultation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD): analysis of responses

Presents a summary of the analysis from the consultation on our Draft Delivery Plan for 2016 to 2020 on the UNCRPD.

10. Conclusion

Ninety-one responses to the consultation were received., a number of which came from third sector/equality organisations, some of whom had engaged in consultation with their members prior to responding.

Consultees were generally supportive of the disability delivery plan and its aims, outcomes and themes. They did, however, frequently express the wish for it to go further, and there were calls for commitments which referred to specific groups (such as particular disabilities, workforces, localities, ages or genders) to be extended to encompass all disabled people.

Consultees noted a number of key omissions in the plan. The lack of focus on mental health, children and young people and social care were regarded as being particularly problematic. It was also thought that there should be a stronger focus on human rights within the delivery plan.

Certain themes were repeatedly raised in relation to a number of the questions asked. These included: the necessity of meaningful on-going engagement with disabled people, and the importance of inclusive communication (which should include, but also go beyond providing, information in BSL, Braille, and Easy Read formats) to enable disabled people with communication support needs to understand and participate. Raising awareness of disabling barriers was also emphasised, as not all barriers faced by disabled people are physical barriers. Poor attitudes, stigma and discrimination were often cited as being the most significant barriers to equality of opportunity and independent living in disabled people's experience. The Scottish Government recognises that these three cross-cutting themes should be part of all that it does to help implement the UNCRPD. Consultees believe that more still needs to be done in connection with these three themes.


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