Evaluation of the Compliance and Quality of Biodiversity Duty Reports 2015

A review of biodiversity duty reporting by public bodies in Scotland.

Annex 1: Evaluation matrix


Evaluation questions


Information sources



(covering the actions aspect of the evaluation)

Have reports been produced?

What approaches have been used?

How do these differ between organisations?

What actions have been reported?

Number of reports obtained

Number by type of approach (use of template, standalone report, part of wider report, etc.)

Number by type of organisation

Types of action, by number and outcome/expected outcome

SNH website

Survey of organisations

Review of reports

Analysis of data extracted from review of reports

Interviews with organisations


Lasting impact

(covering the mainstreaming aspect of the evaluation)

Do the reports explain how biodiversity has been incorporated into corporate policy, plans and projects?

Changes to corporate management (policy, plans, projects) identified

Steps taken to incorporate biodiversity measures into other areas

Analysis of evidence from review of reports on activities undertaken to incorporate biodiversity measures into other areas

Lasting impact

(covering the contribution of the activities undertaken to delivery of the 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity)

What contribution is the Biodiversity Duty making to delivery of biodiversity targets (targets to be specified)

Extent to which principles in relation to biodiversity conservation are being translated into actions

Number of actions identified and being undertaken by organisations

Outcomes or results of monitoring of impacts of actions (where available)

Details of trends or areas of concern as highlighted by the monitoring data

Analysis of evidence from review of reports on actions taken and outcomes from those actions

Survey and interviews


Management & structure

(covering the governance aspect of the evaluation)

Do the reports explain how organisations are leading and managing biodiversity matters?

Are decision-making structures given?

Number of organisations with easy-to-understand decision-making structures (highlighted in their reports)

Types of decision-making structure

Analysis of evidence from review of reports on governance issues

Survey and interviews

Effective delivery

(covering the partnership aspect of the evaluation)

Do the reports explain how organisations are working with other stakeholders to deliver actions?

Number and type of organisations involved in partnerships

Number and type of actions undertaken in partnerships

Extent to which partnerships have achieved their aims

Number of web links to further information on partnerships

Analysis of evidence from review of reports on partnership issues

Survey and interviews

Review of information from web-links


(covering the communications aspect of the evaluation)

Do the reports explain how organisations are raising awareness, building capacity and working with communities?

Number and type of actions undertaken to raise awareness and communicate about biodiversity conservation

Number and type of communication activities undertaken

Number and type of capacity building initiatives undertaken

Analysis of evidence from review of reports on partnership issues

Survey and interviews


Lessons learnt and recommendations

(drawing together the results of the evaluation to identify best practice examples)

What examples are there of best practice?

Can these examples be used by other organisations to help them replicate activities so they can better meet their biodiversity duty?

Number, type and general nature of best practice examples

Governance: examples of leadership

Action: well-presented examples of actions that are delivering positive outcomes

Mainstreaming: example of approaches used to mainstream

Partnership: examples of partnership and how that partnership is reported

Communication: examples of awareness raising, capacity building and working with communities

Analysis of evidence from review of reports

Survey and interviews


Lessons learnt and recommendations

(drawing together the results of the evaluation to identify what needs to change to encourage more effective reporting)

What aspects of the existing guidance should be retained?

How do reporting requirements need to change to encourage more organisations to report?

Are all public bodies aware of the need to report?

How do the guidance and template need to be revised to make reporting easier and more effective?

How can reporting be used to stimulate further activity and promote greater delivery of biodiversity actions?

How can reports be used to further increase the potential to meet biodiversity targets?

Key areas (governance, action, mainstreaming, partnership, communication) addressed by organisations that have submitted a report

Types of impact/barrier encountered (by type of organisation)

Type of reporting issue/difficulty faced (by type of organisation)

Opportunities to reduce impacts, barriers, issues and difficulties

Analysis of evidence from review of reports and development of best practice examples

Survey and interviews


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