Evaluation of the Food Education Programme (2012-2015)

Report evaluating how all nine projects have contributed to the programme’s overall outcomes.

Annex 11: Reporting template

Document A: Reporting template pro-forma for Interim or End of Year Reports

Project title
Period of report
Type of report [Interim/ Year end] Project Evaluation/Review
Key contact
Achievements - Progress Towards Targets/Outcomes (add extra lines if needed)
Target Progress

BUDGET (add extra lines if needed)

Description Projected £ Actual £

Total expenditure
Estimated financial contribution from other sources (if applicable)

Other Key Activities And/Or Achievements Over The Last Period (add extra lines if needed)
Activity/Achievement Description
Any other comments or information of note

Monitoring And Evaluation
What opportunities have been provided to young people to learn about food? [Please include an indication of the number of opportunities and number of young people engaged as well as a brief description of opportunities]

Evidence of impacts on pupil knowledge and/or enthusiasm to learn about food?

Evidence of impacts on pupil attitudes/intentions/behaviour with respect to diet, food related careers or other food issues?

Food education CPD opportunities - please include number delivered, numbers of teachers (or others) that were engaged and a brief description of the event

Evidence of impacts on teacher confidence, knowledge and/or enthusiasm to conduct food education activities?

Describe any resources developed and comment on how much they are used and valued by teachers?

Other Information of Note

NB Where evidence is provided please include:

  • What the source of the evidence is eg feedback questionnaires, interviews, anecdotal.
  • Provide information on the response rates (ie how many questionnaires were completed out of total handed out). Also, information on who completed the questionnaires ie teachers, industry, primary or secondary pupils.

Document B: School tally pro-forma

Page 1

School Year Reporting Period Project name School name/Establishment Business / industry partner (if applicable) Primary Secondary Local Authority

Page 2

Postcode Year group (s) Total pupil number Pupil no. of which new entrants Pupil no. of which repeat participants Subject areas


Email: RESAS, socialresearch@gov.scot

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