Evaluation of police and fire reform: partnership, innovation and prevention year three case study

Findings from a thematic case study from year three of the evaluation focusing on issues of partnership working, innovation and prevention.


1. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00502138.pdf

2. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00502122.pdf

3. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00523031.pdf

4. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00523139.pdf

5. Policing 2026: Our 10 Year Strategy for Policing in Scotland http://www.scotland.police.uk/assets/pdf/138327/386688/policing-2026-strategy.pdf

6. Scottish Government (2016) Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016 https://consult.scotland.gov.uk/fire-and-rescue/fire-and-rescue-framework/supporting_documents/417276_Fire%20Framework_V2.pdf

7. Christie Commission (2011) Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services http://www.gov.scot/Resource/Doc/352649/0118638.pdf

8. For a good summary see M. O'Neill and D.J. McCarthy (2014) '(Re)negotiating police culture through partnership working: trust, compromise and the 'new' pragmatism, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14(2), 143-159

9. Huxham and Vangen (2005) Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage, Routledge: Oxon.

10. Huxham and Vangen (2005) Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage, Routledge: Oxon.

11. Morse, R. S. (2010). Integrative public leadership: Catalyzing collaboration to create public value. The Leadership Quarterly, 21: 231–245.

12. Similar findings in Williams, P (2012) Collaboration in Public Policy and Practice: perspectives on boundary spanners, Policy Press: Bristol.

13. Institute for Work & Health. What researchers mean by primary, secondary and tertiary prevention https://www.iwh.on.ca/wrmb/primary-secondary-and-tertiary-prevention

14. SFRS (2013) Prevention and Protection Directorate Strategy 2013-2016 http://www.firescotland.gov.uk/media/627263/pp_strategy_final_v1.0_20feb2014.pdf

15. Scottish Government. (2017). Justice Vision and Priorities Delivery Plan 2017-18 http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00522271.pdf

16. SFRS (2016) Youth Engagement Framework 2016-19 http://www.firescotland.gov.uk/media/975769/youth_engagement_framework_2016_19.pdf

17. Frondigoun, L, Smith, R, and MacLeod, I. (2013). The Scottish Campus Officer Past, Present and Future. http://www.sipr.ac.uk/downloads/Scottish_Campus_Officer.pdf

18. Policing 2026: Our 10 Year Strategy for Policing in Scotland http://www.scotland.police.uk/assets/pdf/138327/386688/policing-2026-strategy.pdf

19. Scottish Government (2016) Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016 https://consult.scotland.gov.uk/fire-and-rescue/fire-and-rescue-framework/supporting_documents/417276_Fire%20Framework_V2.pdf

20. Scottish Government (2017) Justice in Scotland: Vision and Priorities http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00522274.pdf


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