National ophthalmology workstream: hospital eye services

How we plan and manage the delivery of hospital eyecare services to provide timely care for patients.

8. Community EyeCare Review and its Recommendations

Given the context and the challenges faced by patients accessing eyecare services and by service providers in the community and hospital services alike, and within the context of the National Clinical Strategy, there are remaining opportunities for smoothing the way in which care is provided. As part of this thinking, a Review of Community Eyecare Services has been undertaken, with a view to streamlining pathways and provision across primary secondary care.

The Project Initiation Document for the Community EyeCare Review states that, 'Since the introduction of free GOS eye examinations, community optometrists have been providing more care in the community, reducing the use of secondary care and the need for patients to travel to hospital.' '…a Review of Community Eyecare Services [has been commissioned] to consider the eyecare services that will meet the future needs of the population.' 'The Review will consider and evaluate community eyecare services across Scotland. This process will involve reviewing the current delivery landscape and recommend actions and consider improvements to the service that can provide first-class eyecare services that meet the individual needs of patients.'

The Report of this review work will be available imminently. The conclusions and recommendations will be aligned with the conclusions and recommendations of this National Ophthalmology Workstream report in order that common themes may be highlighted and progressed at pace across the care settings, with increased joint working wherever possible nationally, regionally and locally. This will augment the existing impetus that exists around achieving and embedding change at all levels in all sectors of eyecare services across NHSScotland.

It is anticipated that the way forward will be driven by a NEW (National Eyecare Workstream) programme to be developed and launched in the first half of 2017 - the detail of this programme is currently under discussion. Figure 8 flags potential core elements of the NEW programme.

Figure 8: Potential Core Elements of the NEW programme

Figure 8: Potential Core Elements of the NEW programme


Email: Jacquie Dougall

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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