Review of Autism Network Scotland

Review to inform the development of any future Autism Network Scotland, or other strategic delivery partner.




3. Until May 2014 there were six subgroups. From June 2014 - October 2015 there were four Working Groups. The members of Working Group 3 (Good Practice) are currently transferring to one of the other groups.

4. See the approved minutes from 24 th August 2015 in:

5. Autism Network Scotland replaced the previous autism network - the Scottish Autism Services Network ( SASN).

6. This is a part-time (3 days per week) post.

7. Additional resources are also provided separately to fund the ANS annual conference.

8. The ANS grant does not include a specific allocation for website / IT development. However, the overhead payment to the University covers IT services as described in paragraph 5.54 below.

9. Note that the National Coordination Project is part of the 'expanded' role.

10. Note that the definition of the 'expanded role' / 'extended role' was initially set out in the grant funding letter of March 2014. The definition at that stage was different and covered: i) administration of the meetings and papers for the National Autism Strategy Monitoring Group ii) professional support and parent and user participation iii) professionally support the consultation forum with users and families to feed into strategy decisions and work iv) the delivery of local and national events in relation to the strategy and subgroup activity v) maintaining the Scottish Strategy for Autism website vi) The delivery of events and activity to disseminate and implement the Menu of Interventions in partnership with Subgroup 3 vii) The delivery of events and activity to disseminate and implement the principles of good transitions guidance with Association for Real Change and Subgroup 2 and viii) the delivery of National Coordination Lead post and support activity.

11. Note that the grant for the Research Series is held by Strathclyde University, which has responsibility for progressing the project.

12. The Head of the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde provides line management for the ANS Lead Coordinator. The ANS Lead Coordinator provides line management for the National ANS Coordinator and for the National Autism Project Manager. The National ANS Coordinator provides line management for the ANS advisers and administrative staff.

13. Note that the initial grant award letter (covering the financial year 2012/2013) specifically said the monitoring arrangements for the work of ANS were to be achieved through 'quarterly monitoring meetings'.

14. For example, the July 2014 report contained sections on: learning events, event feedback, face-to-face networks, regional networks, virtual networks, Action on Autism Research Seminars, Partnership working, Project SEARCH, and Newsletters.

15. The IT component covers all equipment costs, and also the resource which was made available in redesigning the ANS website when the network was relaunched in 2012.

16. The Finance component includes access to financial expertise for ANS related projects (e.g. for the SWAN Network application for funds to create an independent network through the development fund).

17. The accommodation costs also include access to University space for learning events and meetings.

18. An additional £10.5k was made available for this purpose.




Email: Annette Pyle,

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