Safe, secure and prosperous: a cyber resilience strategy for Scotland

Our cyber resilience strategy support the development of a culture of cyber resilience in Scotland.

Annex C

Every person and business in Scotland will benefit from:
Strong passwords Using three random words is one way to creating a strong password e.g. SeeCatEek
Downloading software updates Software updates contain vital security upgrades which help protect your device from viruses and hackers. You will be asked to install them - always click yes!
Installing software security Anti-virus software removes viruses, quarantines and repairs infected files, and can help prevent future viruses. Remember to use anti-virus on your mobile devices too.
Be aware of suspicious emails Delete suspicious emails as they may contain fraudulent requests for information or links to viruses. If you are being pressured to make a quick decision or to give any personal or financial information DELETE THE EMAIL immediately.
Protect and secure mobile devices Secure your portable devices and the information they contain. Establish a password and enable screen lock or auto lock on all devices and install an antivirus app.
Secure wireless networks Secure your home or office wireless networks and think carefully before sharing private details on public wifi.
Firewall Firewalls act as protective barriers between computers and the internet. Check your security settings for a built-in personal firewall. If you have one, turn it on
Businesses in Scotland will further benefit from:
Staff training Most data breaches are due to human error. Make your staff aware of cyber security threats and how to deal with them.
Access Ensure that only those who should have access to systems have access and at the appropriate level e.g. remove 'admin access' from those that don't need it. Don't forget to remove access rights from staff who have left the organisation.
Information on how to get the basics right: Guidance and tools on cyber security for business:
Cyber Streetwise

Get Safe Online
Cyber Essentials Scheme

10 Steps to Cyber Security

Small Businesses: What you need to know about cyber security


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