Scotland's Digital Future: High Level Operating Framework

Guidance and information for public sector organisations on the design principles, standards and specifications of the Scotland’s Digital Future: Delivery of Public Services strategy.

Annex B -Illustrative Organisational assessment criteria

LOB Applications

  1. Are you sharing data with other Public Sector bodies (in or out)?
  2. Is your data sharing interactive or batch driven?


  1. Do you have succession planning for critical ICT roles?
  2. Do you have a structured career development for your ICT staff?

Common Business Services

  1. Do you support HR, Finance, and Procurement operations from a shared platform?
  2. Are your HR, Accounting or Procurement systems purchased through a central agreement?
  3. Do you have a SAAS model for obtaining these services?

Office Productivity

  1. Do your employees use a common, shared office platform?
  2. Do you procure your applications on a per usage or per set basis ( SAAS)?

Security & Identity Management

  1. Do all your users access your systems using a logon ID that can be used across the public sector or by using an ID or multiple IDs that are local to you organisations?
  2. Do you carry out penetration testing on your applications annually?
  3. Do you have an external web site?
  4. Do you offer any services via your web site to external organisations or the public?
  5. Do you support logon credentials for members of the public; are they supportive of the citizen account?

Servers, Storage, CD & Cloud

  1. Are your servers hosted in your offices or in a shared data centre?
  2. What proportions of your servers are hosted on virtualised infrastructure?
  3. Do you have a rolling program of DR testing?


  1. Is your organisation using communications procured under shared Public Sector frameworks?
  2. Are all parts of your network accredited to a particular standard of CoCo?
  3. Do your offices and data centres have resilient communications links (i.e. multiple routes)?
  4. Do you offer video conferencing/ VOIP on your network?


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