Scotland's Digital Future: High Level Operating Framework Version 2

Updated guidance for the public sector on the design, development and delivery of future digital public services.

5 Catalogue of Re-usable Components

In support of the Collaboration & Value for Money Strategic Principle and the Architectural Principle of "Re-use Before Buy Before Build", a means of raising awareness of existing and planned ICT services, standards and guidelines which have been designed with re-use in mind, is required. A national catalogue of re-usable components will:

  • Provide information about components which may be a standard, a guideline or an ICT service available for re-use at a national, sectoral and local (individual organisation) level. ICT services available for re-use will use the Generic Services Model as a starting point. The information about each item in the Catalogue should be sufficient to allow understanding of the scope of the component and its current applicability plus some form of signposting for further assistance
  • Be designed and owned by a national federated Design Authority function (see Section 6 for details of this) fully supported by the sector level Design Authorities
  • Be managed as a service by Digital Directorate
  • Be populated initially from existing shared/re-usable services already provided at national or sectoral levels ( e.g. by the Improvement Service, ISIS, SWAN, JISC, NSS)
  • Be built using tools and infrastructure already available, scaled for cross-sector use with any additional funding provided from all sectors.


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