Scottish Strategy for Autism: outcomes and priorities 2018-2021

Document setting out the priorities for action through to 2021 to improve outcomes for autistic people living in Scotland.

Strategic Outcomes

Our strategic outcomes relate to the vision, values and goals of the Scottish Strategy for Autism, contribute to all of the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and resonate strongly with the ambitions set out in A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People. Our outcomes are unchanged from the outcomes framework launched in 2015.

Strategic Outcome One: A Healthy Life

Autistic people enjoy the highest attainable standard of living, health and family life and have timely access to diagnostic assessment and integrated support services.

Strategic Outcome Two: Choice and Control

Autistic people are treated with dignity and respect and services are able to identify their needs and are responsive to meet those needs.

Strategic Outcome Three: Independence

Autistic people are able to live independently in the community with equal access to all aspects of society. Services have the capacity and awareness to ensure that people are met with recognition and understanding.

Strategic Outcome Four: Active Citizenship

Autistic people are able to participate in all aspects of community and society by successfully transitioning from school into meaningful educational or employment opportunities.


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