Recording and monitoring of bullying incidents in schools: supplementary guidance

This guidance sets out a consistent and uniform approach to recording and monitoring of bullying incidents.

What do we mean by bullying?

19. ' Respect for All' contains an agreed definition of bullying:

Bullying is both behaviour and impact; the impact is on a person's capacity to feel in control of themselves. This is what we term as their sense of 'agency'. Bullying takes place in the context of relationships; it is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out. This behaviour happens face-to-face and online.
(respect me, 2015)

20. Bullying behaviour can include:

  • Being called names, teased, put down or threatened face-to-face/online.
  • Being hit, tripped, pushed or kicked.
  • Having belongings taken or damaged.
  • Being ignored, left out or having rumours spread about you (face-to-face and/or online).
  • Sending abusive messages, pictures or images on social media, online gaming platforms or phone.
  • Behaviour which makes people feel like they are not in control of themselves or their lives (face-to-face and/or online).
  • Being targeted because of who you are or who you are perceived to be (face to face and/or online).

21. Bullying behaviour may be a result of prejudice that relates to a perceived and actual difference. This can lead to behaviour and language that could manifest into racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia or prejudice and discrimination towards disability or faith. Prejudice based bullying can be based on any characteristics unique to an individual's actual or perceived identity or circumstances such as their appearance or socio-economic background.


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