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Showing 271 news items about Arts, culture and sport

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  1. Connecting Scotland’s worldwide diaspora

    New Framework to enhance engagement.

  2. Scottish Budget Bill passed

    Further support for councils, culture sector and island ferries.

  3. Scotland’s international reputation grows

    Natural Beauty, Tourism and Governance score highly in new survey.

  4. Flexible planning rules

    New measures to boost hospitality and town centre recovery.

  5. Developing Scotland’s international cultural presence

    Survey launched to understand international interests and aspirations.

  6. More time to apply for short-term lets licences

    Pragmatic approach to support hosts during cost of living crisis.

  7. Countdown to the world’s biggest cycling event

    2023 UCI Cycling World Championships in August ‘can have a lasting legacy’.

  8. Call for UK Government to extend Theatre and Orchestra Tax Relief

    Highlighting concern for culture sector recovery

  9. Monitor farm project develops global offering

    Funding for growing agritourism sector.

  10. Investing in Gaelic

    Funding to support local projects.

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