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Showing 615 news items about Business, industry and innovation

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  1. New US Trade and Investment Envoys

    Extending international business links.

  2. Public views on adding calories to menus

    Healthier options when eating out.

  3. Support for fishing businesses and coastal communities

    Next round of funding announced.

  4. Strengthening sanctions on Russia

    Procurement guidance for public bodies.

  5. Supporting and celebrating local produce

    Developing regional food and drink projects across Scotland.

  6. Boosting broadband access

    Five more companies to support future proofed broadband.

  7. Vision for Trade annual report

    A responsible approach to global markets.

  8. Investing in the food and drink sector

    Supporting growth and innovation.

  9. Supporting the retail sector

    Encouraging fair work and improving skills.

  10. Response to Ferguson Marine update

    Ministers make clear their expectation for future of business.

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