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Showing 613 news items about Business, industry and innovation

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  1. Scotland at Hannover Messe Expo

    Energy businesses lead the way at global event.

  2. Supporting Scotland’s local food and drink

    Recipients of the Regional Food Fund announced.

  3. Inspiring a new generation of tech entrepreneurs

    Investment to create cutting-edge network for start-ups.

  4. Supporting innovation in agriculture

    Fund of more than £200m to back innovative projects. 

  5. Supporting Scotland’s master chefs

    National team to represent Scotland’s food and drink on the world stage.

  6. Farm payment dates to be brought forward

    Rural Affairs Secretary confirms change to payment strategy.

  7. Cost of living top of the agenda for Finance Ministers

    Finance Interministerial Standing Committee.

  8. Delivering Scotland’s trading aims

    Revitalised Trade Board membership.

  9. Economic recovery should be national endeavour

    First Minister urges businesses to support new ways of working.

  10. Improving broadband access

    Progress to extend faster broadband to island communities. 

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