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Showing 601 news items about Environment and climate change

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  1. Clean energy transition to be accelerated

    Energy strategy to shape next 25 years of energy production.

  2. Supporting a renewables revolution

    Commitment to develop onshore wind generation confirmed.

  3. Protecting habitats and species

    Biodiversity funding announced during COP15.

  4. Record year for cereal yield

    A National Statistics Publication

  5. A nature positive Scotland

    Scotland’s strategy to tackle the nature emergency.

  6. Enhanced support to make homes warmer and greener

    New offer to make climate-friendly energy improvements simpler.

  7. Attracting Investment for a net zero future

    Developing policy with green investors in mind.

  8. Wellbeing economy toolkit for local authorities

    Roadmap to fair, green prosperity for communities and regions.

  9. Flood recovery underway

    Impact of heavy rainfall across the country.

  10. First Minister comments as COP27 concludes

    Breakthrough with loss and damage fund.

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