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Showing 336 news items about Housing

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  1. Powers secured to introduce building safety levy

    Parliament to consider tax to raise more funding to fix unsafe cladding.

  2. Council tax on second homes

    Majority of councils using new powers to double rates.

  3. Long term rent controls proposed

    Housing Bill measure to help tenants stay in their homes.

  4. Increased budget for housing costs support

    Full devolution of Discretionary Housing Payments from 1 April.

  5. Housing Bill published

    Preventing homelessness and strengthening tenants’ rights.

  6. Quarterly Housing Statistics to end December 2023

    An Accredited Official Statistics Publication for Scotland. 

  7. Bringing empty homes back into use to increase housing stock

    Funding confirmed for Empty Homes Partnership.

  8. Scottish House Condition Survey: 2022 Key Findings

    An Accredited Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  9. Renters reminded of rights before rent cap ends

    Tenants’ rights in Scotland continue to be strongest in the UK.

  10. Homelessness statistics, April to September 2023

    An Accredited Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

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