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Showing 337 news items about Housing

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  1. Affordable housing initiative for key workers

    Help to provide more homes in rural Scotland.

  2. Tax changes for second and empty homes

    Councils empowered to prioritise homes for living in.

  3. Delivering Housing to 2040

    Ensuring everyone has a home that meets their needs.

  4. Quarterly Housing Statistics, March 2023

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  5. Scottish Parliament approves 3% rent cap

    Emergency protections for tenants extended.

  6. Improving the quality of private rented homes

    Helping landlords prepare for updated standards.

  7. Helping families with their living costs

    Extra funding to help offset UK Government benefit cap.

  8. £105 million for new affordable homes

    Additional funding for Charitable Bond scheme.

  9. Consultation opens on additional properties tax

    Views sought on exemptions.

  10. Homelessness statistics, April to September 2022

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

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