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Showing 234 news items about Work and skills

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  1. Additional funding increases training support for women in agriculture

    Access to scheme allows women in crofting and agriculture to develop their skills. 

  2. Employers back the Young Person’s Guarantee

    Growing number pledge their support.

  3. Tackling Child Poverty

    Further £7 million to combat inequality.

  4. 93.3% of school leavers in positive destinations

    Proportion of pupils in Higher or Further Education at record high.

  5. School leaver attainment and destinations

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Addressing rural Scotland’s gender imbalance

    Providing training support for women.

  7. Young people helped with costs of new job

    695 helped in first four months of new scheme

  8. Prioritising jobs and skills

    Driving Scotland’s economic recovery.

  9. Recruitment to support disability payments

    Opportunities available in all local authority areas.  

  10. Rebuilding the economy

    Investing in jobs and skills.

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