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Showing 81 publications about Farming and rural of type Consultation paper

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  1. Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated seed functions: consultation

    Consultation on amending fees for seed certification, seed testing & associated seed functions to allow full cost recovery.

  2. Amendments to the Animal Health Act 1981: consultation

    We are seeking views to strengthen animal health legislation to allow for more effective and proportionate enforcement provisions.

  3. National Islands Plan and islands communities impact assessment guidance: consultation

    The Plan will set out how the Scottish Government, local authorities and other public agencies might work to improve outcomes for island communities.

  4. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Scotland) Regulations 2010: consultation

    Short consultation to update the existing regulations to bring them in line with the EU TSE Regulation prior to EU Exit.

  5. Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006: consultation on proposed amendments

    We are seeking views on strengthening animal welfare legislation by increasing the maximum available penalties, introducing fixed penalty notices, and making it easier for approved bodies to quickly make the best arrangements for seized animals.

  6. Compulsory closed-circuit TV recording at abattoirs consultation: summary of responses

    Analysis of responses to our public consultation on introducing compulsory CCTV recording in Scottish abattoirs.

  7. BSE sampling cost transfer to farming industry: consultation

    Consultation on transferring the cost of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopath (BSE) sample taking from Scottish Government to the farming industry.

  8. Licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities: consultation

    Seeks views on proposals to introduce new regulations for the licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities in Scotland.

  9. Stability and simplicity: proposals for a rural funding transition period

    Consultation to gather views on the proposals for the Brexit transition period in the agricultural sector.

  10. Together we can, together we will: consultation

    Consultation by National Consultation of Rural Advisers (NCRA) to help inform recommendations for Scottish Government on future policy direction for the rural economy.

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