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Showing 312 publications about Programme for Government

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  1. Review of emerging technologies in policing: findings and recommendations

    Findings and recommendations of the Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing.

  2. Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland costs and Ministerial Papers: FOI release

    Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

  3. Wild salmon strategy: implementation plan 2023 to 2028

    Plan setting out the actions to be taken over a five year period to 2028, to achieve the vision as outlined in the Scottish wild salmon strategy published in January 2022.

  4. Carbon Neutral Islands: project progress report

    We announced the commitment to support at least three islands to become fully carbon neutral by 2040 in the Programme for Government 2021-2022. This was raised further at COP 26 and the project now aims to support six islands become carbon neutral.

  5. Commission for the land-based learning review: report to Scottish Ministers

    The report produced by the Commission, a short term advisory group established to provide independent, evidence-based advice and submitted to Scottish Ministers on how to attract more people into land-based and aquaculture sectors by improving learning pathways.

  6. Inter-Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: 7 November 2022

    Minutes from the inter-ministerial group meeting on 7 November 2022.

    Part of:
    Inter-Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  7. Anti-racist employment strategy - A Fairer Scotland for All

    The strategy is a call for action and a guide to address the issues and disadvantage experienced by people from racialised minorities in the labour market in Scotland. It is a key component in achieving our ambition to become a leading Fair Work Nation by 2025.

  8. Fair Work action plan: becoming a leading Fair Work nation by 2025

    A refreshed action plan setting out actions to promote fair and inclusive workplaces across Scotland. This incorporates actions on tackling the gender pay gap, the disability employment gap, and our anti-racist employment strategy, driving fair work practices for all.

  9. Delivering Scotland's Blue Economy approach

    Sets out the first phase of delivery towards our Blue Economy Vision (published March 2022). It provides a clear picture of where we are now in relation to the six Blue Economy outcomes and sets out our next steps in delivering a collaborative approach in Scotland.

  10. Life sciences sector: export plan

    This plan reaffirms the commitments made from ‘A Trading Nation’ to ensure our trade and investment agenda is front and centre of our economic growth strategy. Co-produced with stakeholders, this plan will work with the sector to identify how best to support Scottish businesses to grow their exports.

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