Cloud primer

An introduction to public cloud services for business audiences.

Is the cloud secure?

For many organisations, the security of public clouds is their primary concern when assessing  and planning their cloud journey. It is natural that people question whether their data and services will be adequately protected when adopting new services, delivery methods and ways of working. This is particularly relevant in the case of public cloud services, as their use affects all of these things.

We consider public services delivered using the public cloud platforms of major cloud service providers to be at least as secure as those delivered from most internal datacentres. In reality, the current range of security controls available through public cloud platforms exceeds most organisation's on-premises capabilities.

What's more, with cloud adoption set to accelerate for the foreseeable future, the demand for cloud security offerings will drive a constant increase in their maturity and capabilities.

Why the cloud is secure

  • world-leading security: the hyper-scale cloud service providers invest vast amounts of time and money in securing their cloud platforms. Their specialist security teams of global security expertise that are out of reach for most organisations
  • accreditation: cloud providers understand their customer's concerns, and are independently audited and accredited to the highest standards
It is important to remember that you must always  be responsible with data and that your services should  be secure by design. Cloud services provide world-class security and alleviate the burden of implementing and operating effective security controls, but using the cloud never removes your responsibility to protect data and services.




Telephone: 0300 244 4000


Cloud First
Cloud and Digital Services Division
Area 1H South
Victoria Quay

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