Event industry support fund 3: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment for the event industry support fund 3.

Next Steps

The Scottish Government will undertake an exercise to identify lessons from across the various omicron funding schemes, including events. The Scottish Government will work with VisitScotland and other public bodies such as Creative Scotland, where appropriate, to capture learnings on how the events omicron funding was delivered, including learning in terms of equalities and socioeconomic impacts, and improvements that could be made. This will inform the proactive development of options for future COVID-funding schemes, and any areas of learning that can be applied to events funding schemes more generally.

Declaration and Publication

I have read the Equality Impact Assessment and I am satisfied that it represents a fair and reasonable view of the expected equality impact of the measures implemented.

Signed: Rachael McKechnie

Date: 21 June 2022


Email: majorevents@gov.scot

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