A healthier future - action and ambitions on diet, activity, and healthy weight: consultation

An open consultation on the proposals for improving diet and weight in Scotland. Responses will be used to inform the development of the final strategy.


1. Discretionary foods are foods we do not need and have little or no nutritional value, such as confectionery, crisps, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks. Food Standards Scotland 2015 The Scottish Diet: It Needs to Change - Situation Report

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2017 Vital Signs Monthly Report (October)

3. Food Standards Scotland 2016 Monitoring foods and drinks purchased into home in Scotland, using data from Kantar WorldPanel

4. Food Standards Scotland 2016 Foods and drinks purchased into the home in Scotland using data from Kantar WorldPanel

5. Nutrient profiling model was developed by the Food Standards Agency and uses a scoring system which balances the contribution made by beneficial nutrients that are particularly important in children’s diets with components in the food that children should eat less of. It is used by Ofcom as basis for BCAP and CAP codes for broadcast and non-broadcast media restrictions for advertising on food and drink high in fat, salt and sugar to children. The model applies equally to all food and non-alcoholic drink. Department of Health 2011 The Nutrient Profiling Model – Policy Paper

6. According to the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising ( IPA)

7. Out of home establishment include restaurants, takeaways, sandwich shops, bakeries and coffee shops.

8. Overview of Out of Home Market in Scotland. NPD Crest Report. 2015

9. Food Standards Scotland (2017). Diet and Nutrition Board Paper. Proposals for setting the direction for the Scottish Diet: One year on: http://www.foodstandards.gov.scot/publications-and-research/fss-board-meeting-8-march-2016

10. From a presentation at an open Westminster Food and Nutrition Forum (12 September 2017) based on recent research (not yet published) exploring consumers’ understanding and use of the UK’s front of pack (FoP) nutrition labelling scheme carried out by Kantar Worldpanel and commissioned by the Department of Health

11. See the Food Standards Scotland response to the Soft Drinks Industry Levy consultation.

12. The Scottish Government: Health Survey, 2017. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00525472.pdf

13. Scottish Diabetes Survey Monitoring Group: Scottish Diabetes Survey 2016 http://www.diabetesinscotland.org.uk/Publications/Scottish%20Diabetes%20Survey%202016.pdf

14. Diabetes UK: State of the Nation 2015 report, The Age of Diabetes https://diabetes-resources-production.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/diabetes-storage/migration/pdf/SOTN%2520Diabetes.pdf

15. FFiT is funded by the Government, developed in partnership by SPLTrust and Glasgow University and successfully delivered by the Community Coaches of Scotland’s Professional Football teams.

16. The Lancet: http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(16)31070-4.pdf

17. Place Standard: https://www.placestandard.scot/

18. A body consisting of policy and analytical experts from Scottish Government, Food Standards Scotland, NHS Health Scotland alongside academics with expertise in the field of food and drink research. The body’s function is to improve the coherence and relevance of food and drink related research in Scotland through building collaborations between policy makers, intermediary organisations and researchers.


Suzanne Connolly DietPolicy@gov.scot

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