Non-binary equality action plan: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the non-binary equality action plan.

Stage 4: Decision Making and Monitoring

Identifying and Establishing Any Required Mitigating Action

Have positive or negative impacts been identified for any of the equality groups?

There are positive impacts linked to all protected characteristics in particular age, disability, and gender reassignment.

All actions in the Non-binary Equality Action Plan have been extensively informed by research and engagement with LGBTQI+ stakeholders, through the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality, and through focus groups. The actions have been developed to positively impact trans and non-binary people especially those with intersectional protected characteristics.

Many of the actions are linked to existing workstreams, and it is the responsibility of those who are leading on each action to develop related policies and their own more detailed EQIAs.

The Scottish Government are committed to delivering these changes, which will improve the lives of trans and non-binary people in Scotland.

Is the policy directly or indirectly discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010?


Describing how Equality Impact analysis has shaped the policy making process

The evidence and data gathered to inform the Working Group on Non-Binary Equality’s report and recommendations has also informed the development of the commitments and actions in the plan.

Further research and data was gathered during focus group sessions with non-binary people which examined in detail the proposed actions. This information was further used to develop and hone the actions to ensure that we progress equality for non-binary people in Scotland.

Monitoring and Review

The Non-Binary Equality Action Plan will be used to monitor the progress of the actions the Scottish Government have committed to delivering. As outlined in the plan we will implement an informal governance structure which includes engagement with former Group members, as well as stakeholder organisations who work to advance equality for non-binary. This more informal approach will favour flexibility over formality and will minimise the demand on community members of ongoing engagement. The choice to continue to engage on the delivery of the action plan will sit entirely with individuals and will be completely optional.

The Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees will also meet with individuals from the Group who have agreed to continue to engage on this work approximately every 6 months to discuss progress on the action plan, as capacity allows.



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