Review of targets and indicators for health and social care in Scotland

Independent national review into targets and indicators for health and social care.

Support for behaviour change

102. Alcohol and drug problems are strongly associated with socioeconomic status and successful efforts to reduce harm will have a positive effect in reducing inequality. Available data suggests that targets for these indicators are being met. However, the action described for socioeconomic indicators should have a positive effect on individual sense of agency and control. Such action, if supported, should be assessed for its impact on the effectiveness of alcohol, drug and smoking cessation interventions.

Reduce alcohol related hospital admissions ( NPF)

Reduce the number of individuals with problem drug use ( NPF)

Alcohol Brief Interventions ( LDP)

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times ( LDP)

Smoking Cessation ( LDP)

Reduce the percentage of adults who smoke ( NPF)

Sickness Absence ( LDP)

103. Recommendation:

a) Existing indicators should remain but opportunities should be taken to assess how interventions aimed at improvement in socioeconomic circumstances might improve indicators of behaviour change.


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