Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill: consultation

We are seeking views on our proposed Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill, which aims to improve decision making and the implementation of the National Performance Framework to ensure that all policy and delivery accounts for wellbeing and sustainable development.

7. What do we want to know?

The Scottish Government is gathering views to help inform how we will take forward a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill. The proposed Bill aims to support further improvement in the implementation of the National Performance Framework which ensures that all policy and delivery is focused on increasing the wellbeing of people living in Scotland, both now and in the future.

7.1 Defining wellbeing

  • Is a statutory definition of ‘wellbeing’ required?
  • Do you have any views on how ‘wellbeing’ can be clearly defined in legislation?

7.2 Defining sustainable development

  • Is a statutory definition of ‘sustainable development’ required?
  • Do you agree with our proposal that any definition of sustainable development should be aligned with the common definition: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”?
  • Do you have other views on how ‘sustainable development’ can be clearly defined in legislation?
  • What future wellbeing issues or challenges do you think legislation could help ensure we address?
  • We are aware that the term ‘sustainable development’ has been set out in various legislation of the Scottish Parliament since devolution in 1999, and that careful consideration will need to be given to how any new definition will impact on these. What impact, if any, would the proposed definition have on other areas of legislation?

7.3 Strengthening duties for the National Outcomes and sustainable development

  • How could a legal duty be defined to ensure that public authorities uphold sustainable development and the interests of future generations?
  • Are there specific areas of decision making that should be included or excluded from the Bill?
  • What issues, if any, may result from strengthening the requirement to have regard to National Outcomes?

7.4 Clarifying to whom the duties apply

  • Should any duty apply to Scottish Government?
  • Do you have any views on the range and type of organisations that any duty should apply to?

7.5 Defining ways of working

  • Do you have any views on how we can better report the achievement of wellbeing objectives which supports clear accountability and scrutiny of public bodies in Scotland?
  • What additional steps are needed to ensure collaboration and working across boundaries?
  • Do you have any views on whether any duty related to ways of working could create conflicts with duties currently placed on you?
  • Do you have any views on the additional resource implications necessary to discharge any wellbeing duty in your organisation?

7.6 Determining an approach for future generations

  • Should Scotland establish an independent Commissioner for Future Generations?
  • In what ways could an independent Commissioner for Future Generations increase the accountability, scrutiny, and support for decision making?
  • Are there alternative ways we can increase the accountability, scrutiny, and support for decision making?


Email: wsdbill@gov.scot

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