Team Scotland's Export Promotion Support: evaluation

Summary findings of an evaluation of delivery partner support and services offered to businesses with export sales projects in Scotland between April 2018 and April 2021.

2. Economic context

2.1 This evaluation looks at the support formats used with ATN categorised businesses, as well as the wider support to new and less experienced exporters. It is also important to note the evaluation period includes pre-ATN support and the transition between earlier policy (which included targets for new exporters) and support which responds to ATN priorities.

2.2 The impact of export support has to be viewed in the context of the economic headwinds that global trade experienced over this time in the form of the UK's exit from the EU and the Covid-19 pandemic, which both occurred within the evaluation timeframe. Analysis conducted by the Scottish Government[2] showed that Scotland's trade in goods with the EU was an estimated 12% lower (or £2.3 billion in cash terms) in 2021 as a result of EU exit. Both beneficiary and non-beneficiary survey respondents noted that their export performance was hindered by Brexit and the pandemic, with 84% and 87% reporting experiencing challenges with exporting goods and/or services respectively. The significant twin impacts on exporters of these historically significant factors must be borne in mind when interpreting results. Despite these headwinds, evaluation evidence shows over 30%[3] additionality of supported export companies in Scotland.



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